Monday, February 18, 2013


So I miss you. I can admit that.

I miss the friends that we were and the camaraderie we shared. I miss how we used to have each other's backs and protect each other's hearts. I miss that. I miss you.

But, a lot's happened. Valleys and gulfs between us, pushing each other away. Terrible words said.

It's not even just that. We're different people now, and the things that made us friends before... maybe we just don't have those things anymore. I've changed in some ways, you've changed in other ways... and neither of those ways are bad things, but they put us in places where probably friends are not something we'll be again.

I guess that's okay. I'm okay with that. Our lives are what they are, we are who we are. And I think it's okay to move on in our lives, but still occasionally think of the ones who were a part of our pasts. You are a part of me, a part of who I am now. So today, I will think of you, and hope good things for you, and yes.. I will miss you.


  1. ...this makes me cry...I have someone like this in my life that I miss, who was my best friend. Thank you for giving words to what I feel in my soul for her...and possibly hope one day we can may never be the same...but it can be new.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Of course you can, darling. I'm sorry I made you cry... ((hugs))
