I want to know where we stand. I want to know if we're okay or if we're not.

Or if they can't be fixed, I want to know that too. I don't want to go on wondering if things can ever be okay again or not. I want to know.
I want to know why.
And if we decide that things can't be okay, I want to shut the door. I want to end the chapter and our story... I want to know that it's okay to start a new one.
I guess they call that closure.
But sometimes I guess that I need to learn that it's not a bad thing if doors don't close all the way. It's okay to leave them open a little just in case it's a story that isn't really ended yet. It's okay to not know what happened, and it's okay to simply let the ending be.
It's okay to be hurt and it's okay to be mad and it's okay to be upset about the things that don't feel fair. You aren't wrong to feel those things, and don't let people tell you that you are.
But just because all those things are true... it doesn't mean that you have to burn your bridges. Just let it be... maybe you cross that bridge again some day. Maybe you don't. But... this way, at least you can if you decide that you want to.
Not every ending has to be Black and White... sometimes they can be a little Grey.