I like this part of getting to know someone. Perhaps it is simply the lover of story in me. But I always feel a bit like it's our stories, and how we tell them, that make up who we are and help us to know each other and explain why we think the things we do, feel the things we do, say the things we do.

And even though it was something that happened four years ago, the whole thing came flooding back as I told it and as we talked about it. Every wince. Every slap in the face. Every drop of anger. Every bit of "less than."
My heart beat fast. My blood pumped itself to everywhere. I breathed too quickly. Tears threatened to fall.
And it was strange to me that something that happened so long ago could still be felt so acutely.
But, it was felt differently, too. Where, in the beginning, I rushed to apologize for things that weren't really mine to apologize for... now, I accepted what happened, but also acknowledged the beliefs and the actions that were wrong. I gave myself permission to be angry and hurt without judging myself for it. And asserted that not everything that someone else believes about me is necessarily true. I get to choose that.