Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Sometimes it’s hard.
Sometimes putting one foot in front of the other is the best you can do.
Sometimes just standing still in the current of your life is the best you can do.
Sometimes not falling down is the best you can do.
Sometimes truth hits you like a 2 x 4 in the face.
Sometimes it trickles in.
Sometimes you can only accept it one little bit at a time
But sometimes it all seeps in.
And sometimes you have to accept it.
Sometimes you have to act, even if you know the outcome will not be what you want.

Sometimes you have to accept that what you want is not what you need.
Sometimes what you need is far simpler than you ever dreamed.
Sometimes you have to let go to hang on.
Sometimes you have cry.
Sometimes you have to laugh.
Sometimes you have to bang your head against the wall.
Sometimes you have to bang someone ELSE’s head against the wall.
Sometimes you have to accept that banging someone else’s head against the wall is not really your job.
Sometimes you have to wait for life to be their Great Teacher.

Sometimes you have to look for your blessings.
Sometimes you have to get a new blessings bucket because yours has overflowed.
Sometimes you have to look at your trials with new eyes to see how they fit in your buckets of blessings.
Sometimes you have to wait.
Sometimes you have to breathe.
Sometimes life isn’t what you want.

Sometimes people aren’t who you want them to be.
Sometimes YOU aren’t who you want to be.
Sometimes you keep going, anyway.

And sometimes you smile.


  1. I needed this today hun. Thanks :)

  2. ((hugs)) Reminds me of Ecclesiastes. So much truth. Though I laughed out loud at banging someone else's head on the wall. :D

  3. ..putting words to thoughts undefined in this last year, nearly 2...Thanks Sweetie. (((hugs)))

  4. ahhh, Jo....this hit the spot. So I will smile :)

  5. WOW....I need to stop getting so behind in your writings...wrecks the eyes to catch up LOL...(thumper)
